Sophie’s baptism – Day 4

Friday morning brought sunshine. Ginger and Henry took Carla and me to the Littleton quilt show at the local Unitarian church.

Littleton's Unitarian church

Littleton’s Unitarian church

My quilter

My quilter

Most of the quilts were displayed draped over the pews. You weren’t supposed to touch them.

Don't handle the quilts

Don’t handle the quilts

I know some boys that would like this quilt:

Dragon quilt

Dragon quilt

Some quilts related local history.

Local Bicentennial quilt

Local Bicentennial quilt

And Peggy Lapin’s quilt showed Littleton homes that she and her ancestors had lived in for as long as the town had existed.

A family's history of Littleton homes

A family’s history of Littleton homes

Fortunately, for Henry and I, the quilters’ guild also had some treats on sale.

And they sold sweet snacks

And they sold sweet snacks

We left the quilt show fulfilled.

Off to the drug store

Off to the drug store

We ran a few chores. That afternoon we went with Ginger to Henry’s entertaining gymnastics class and shopped for Sophie’s birthday present.

Elliott’s parents David and Lauren arrived that evening. During our visit David and Ginger introduced me to Words with Friends; I had to use Carla’s smartphone to play and have been using it regularly for that since.

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