And on to Arizona to honor Uncle Herschel

Vermilion Cliffs

Vermilion Cliffs in the distance

After Cleo’s and Taylor’s wedding in St. George, Utah, Carla and I drove through Southern Utah into Arizona to be part of Uncle Hershel’s graveside service in Mesa. We enjoyed a beautiful drive, here past the Vermilion Cliffs in Northern Arizona and then down through the Navajo reservation, and up through some snow flurries on the way to Flagstaff, and Sedona, stopping for the night at the Best Western Inn in Cottonwood.

In the morning, we drove to Mesa; then went out for lunch with Craig and Vicki and Aunt Norma. After lunch, Craig took us on an impressive tour of his huge cabinet sales and fabrication facility–Sollid Cabinetry. We took our supper from Pete’s Fish and Chips to our motel–the Mezona Inn.

The next day was the service for Uncle Herschel. Diana Vaughn had been caring for Herschel in Palm Desert, California; and she had prepared a nice eulogy which she read after I dedicated the grave.

At Mesa City Cemetery

At Mesa City Cemetery

Our small group at the grave consisted of Norma’s children and members of their families, but also Michael’s son and other relatives from Herschel’s side of the family.

Cousin Sandy with Michael's son

Cousin Sandy with Michael’s son MIchael Clark

After the service, Richard treated the group to lunch at Mi Amigos Mexican Grill.

Mi Amigos Mexican Grill

Mi Amigos Mexican Grill

That evening we visited with Aunt Norma and, in the morning, drove back to California.

With Carla and Aunt Norma

With Carla and Aunt Norma