Pasadena to Utah to Idaho to Utah to Pasadena

Carla and I drove Laura's Kia Rio all the way from Pasadena to Orem, Utah and then to Idaho Falls–900 miles from home. In Idaho Falls, we traded cars with Charles and Laura after a late lunch at the Texas Road House, and then drove back to Orem and, eventually, back to Pasadena in Carla's Explorer. After we left Las Vegas in the Kia, it started making a whirring noise. But it got good gasoline mileage–between 37-39 miles per gallon. …

Returning to Orem from Idaho Falls, we explored Old Town Pocatello along the way and found The Quilt Shop–too bad, it was closed for the day.

Back in Orem, Bentley shows off his ears. It reminded me of President Monson who wiggled his ears for the congregation in this talk at the priesthood session of the previous General Conference. WARNING: The talk is a long download, and the video is in American Sign Language with no sound.

Sunday, we went to two sacrament meetings–first at the Orem First Ward and then, in the afternoon, to the BYU 101st Ward, where Elizabeth perfomed a lovely vocal solo–Savior, Redeemer of My Soul.

Monday, the kids playing in the backyard became camera fodder. Here's Ruby the biker.

Jenny took these nice pictures.

In the evening we picked up Elizabeth at BYU and all went to the Tucanos opening in Salt Lake City where we met Elliott. Jenny's blog has the details.

The next day, Carla and I drove back to Pasadena. It was a good trip.[/COLOR][/ALIGN]

4 Replies to “Pasadena to Utah to Idaho to Utah to Pasadena”

  1. anonymous

    Lyle writes:

    Well, can't say that I miss Idaho too much these days–especially since I spent yesterday lounging at the beach!

    How did you like the Texas Roadhouse? I'm quite a fan!

  2. anonymous

    Jenny writes:

    We loved having you and Carla in Utah with us! Come back soon!

    Thanks for letting me play with your camera. 🙂